Step Up 拾級 — Melissa Cate Christ

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《拾級!》邀請了13名藝術家,選址港島8條樓梯,創作了11件裝置藝術品和6場演出。為了測試使用者在公共空間的可能性,探討城市景觀的「潛規則」,計劃並沒有為展覽作品或樓梯地段申請許可證。展覽期間,果然引起不同類型的迴響:一夜之間紙皮雕塑被盜變賣;演出因途人報警而受到監視;亦有作品成功令途人停留,意識到樓梯這條線性「例行慣路」的獨特存在。 本書紀錄了《拾級!》這場快閃展覽,並對策展計劃作出反思。既是展覽目錄,又是展演存檔,也是對既定觀念的挑釁。本書希望透過文章和展覽圖錄,將作品納入香港公共藝術展演的歷史中,並記錄下樓梯在日常生活中的使用現況和潛能。樓梯不只是供過路的路徑,本身也是地方場所,擁有豐富的社會及文化生命,其歷史,也在日夜的轉移中不斷延續下去。

Step Up invites thirteen artists, selecting eight stairs in Hong Kong Island to create eleven pieces of installation artworks and six performances. To test the possibilities with users in public spaces and to explore the unspoken rules in a city’s landscape, organisers did not apply for permits for any installation work nor stairs. Indeed the exhibition received different types of responses during its showing — from paper sculptures being stolen and sold, to performances being monitored by police after being reported, to some works successfully halting foot traffic and raising awareness of the stair’s existence. 
Part exhibition catalogue, part archive and part provocation, this book documents the pop-up exhibition and reflects on its curatorial practice. It also hopes to add the works into the history of Hong Kong’s live art in public spaces and, through essays and exhibition imagery, document the usage and potential of stairs in everyday life. Stairs are more than paths — they are places of themselves with a rich vitality in society and culture, its legacy continuing on day and night.


Melissa Cate Christ

transverse studio 創辦人,透過記錄式的探究、設計和行動過程,致力研究園境、文化、城市發展、基建工程及環境議題。美國馬里蘭州安納波利斯聖約翰學院學士,多倫多大學園境建築碩士。加拿大註冊園境師,曾於Gustafson Guthrie Nichol Ltd. 和du Toit Allsopp Hillier 分別任職設計師和城市設計師。曾任教多倫多大學、香港大學園境建築學部。

A registered landscape architect (Ontario, Canada), a Research Assistant Professor of Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the founding director of transverse studio, a collaborative practice which intersects trajectories of landscape, culture, urbanism and infrastructure through documentary processes of investigation, design and activism. Melissa was an Assistant Professor of Landscape Architecture at the University of Hong Kong, a designer at Gustafson Guthrie Nichol Ltd. Melissa has a Master of Landscape Architecture from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Liberal Arts from St. John’s College.


Size: 142 × 201 × 20mm
Pages: 120 pages
Binding: Hardcover with z-folding
Printing: Offset printing
Publication Year: 2018
Language: Traditional Chinese, English
Edition: First Edition
ISBN: 978-988-14835-0-8